Vamos aqui abordar um guia para conquistar 100% desse espetacular jogo, abordando historia principal, desafios, upgrades e missões secundárias:
Inicie o jogo normalmente, prossiga até ter controle do Batman em Gotham city durante sua visita na primeira torre do enigma, você terá a chance de concluir Casefile Report 1224-1 e Worst Nightmare #1, após voltar para fora, vá para o predio da GCPD e encontre 4 inimigos armados, derrube pelo menos 3 silenciosamente (Silent Takedown), para conseguir Worst Nightmare #2, após isso procure por encontros com inimigos e realize Shadow Vigilante #1 ao #11, pois para prosseguir, você precisara concluir a missão Most Wanted: Shiva para adquirir Silent Strike para realizar Shadow Vigilante #12. Após isso conclua até Gotham protector #15. Ao entrar no Final Offer, não finalize a area até realizar Worst Nightmare #3 (restart até conseguir). Saindo do navio conclua Worst Nightmare #4 e Worst Nightmare #5. Aqui vai um truque de mestre, quando tiver por baixo da Pioneers Bridge, você conseguira atrair Crime in Progress em Sheldon Park, atraia eles pro canto em baixo da ponte e derrote o ultimo inimigo bem na ponta para contar como CIP Pioneers Bridge, salve o jogo, e tente novamente atrair a chamada para concluir CIP Sheldon Park. Após muita tentativa, conclui Gotham Protector.
Após a cena de investigação em Lacey Towers você deve estar assim:
Shadow Vigilante: 11/15
Gotham Protector: 15/15
Worst Nightmare: 5/15
Casefile Report 1224-1
Casefile Report 1224-2
Casefile Report 1224-3
GOTHAM INTEL 32/32: Cyrus Pinkney's Plaques 8/8 - Anarky Tags 24/24
Training Challenges Medals 12/36
Remote Claw (Final Offer - Deathstroke)
Concussion Detonator (Bat Cave - Before GCPD 1st Visit)
Disruptor (GCPD 1st Visit)
Bom, aqui vai uma parte critica para os aventureiros da tabula dos desafiantes, após conhecer THE JOKER pela primeira vez, você será "expulso" da sala por uma bomba junto da funcionaria do banco que morreu com o "Gas do riso", então na grande sala, você será obrigado a fazer a:
Worst Nightmare #6 Corner Takedown com o inimigo com a mochila, no inicio da sala tem uma grade no chão e uma grade na parede a direita da sala, faça com que um guarda vá ate la, seja usando ou não seu Sonic Batarang, para fazer o Vent Takedown, use Explosive Gel na parede no inicio da sala para concluir Explosive Gel Takedown, e por fim faça um inimigo andar embaixo de uma grade e conclua com o Hanging Edge Takedown.
Critical Strikes (Shiva Reward)
Worst Nightmare 6/15
Casefile Report 1224-6
Shadow Vigilante 15/15
***Slide - Ground Takedown - Strike - Evade - Cape Stun
Special Combo Takedown - Counter - Beat down - Batcraw Slam - Quickfire Batarang
Aerial Attack - Ultra Stun - Quickfire Explosive Gel - Quickfire Concussion Detonator - Smoke Pellet***
Casefile Report 1224-7
Worst Nightmare 7/15
Casefile Report 1224-4
Worst Nightmare 8/15
Shock Gloves (The Electrocutioner)
Worst Nightmare 10/15
Glue Granade (Batcave)
Worst Nightmare 11/15
Worst Nightmare 12/15
Worst Nightmare 13/15
Casefile Report 1224-5
*End of the game*
...for now...
Casefiles Reports 100%
Upgrades 100%
ENIGMA: 100%
CHALLENGES: 208/408 - 6/372 - 0/372
- Ranked 72/114
- Campaign 108/144
- Custom 72/114
- Combat Training 36/36

Checklist Main storyline
- Locate Black Mask
- Track down Commissioner Loeb
- Gain access to the Execution Chamber
- Pursue Black Mask
- Defeat Killer Croc
- Use the batcomputer to analyze the memory card
- Interrogate Penguin's arms dealer
- Deactivate the jamming signal
- Interrogate Penguin's arms dealer #2
- Deactivate the jamming signal #2
- Collect first SIM Card to triangulate Penguin's position
- Collect second SIM Card to triangulate Penguin's position
- Gain access to the Final Offer
- Track down the Penguin
- Defeat Electrocutioner
- Track down the Penguin #2
- Gain access to Penguin's office - Upper Deck
- Gain access to Penguin's office - Theatre
- Defeat Deathstroke
- Solve the crime scene inside Lacey Towers
- Acquire the concussion detonator at the Batcave
- Gain access to the GCPD via the rooftop
- Access the GCPD servers - side rooms
- Access the GCPD servers - bullpen
- Acquire the disruptor at the evidence locker
- Access the GCPD servers - returning to the server room
- Escape the GCPD
- Access the sewers beneath GCPD
- Uplink the National Criminal Database to the batcomputer
- Access the Gotham Merchants Bank
- Locate Black Mask #2
- Apprehend the Joker
- Investigate the steel mill - reaching the mill
- Investigate the steel mill - exploring the mill
- Investigate the steel mill - drug lab
- Scan a sample of Copperhead's poison
- Reach the antidote drop point
- Defeat Copperhead
- Acquire Electrocutioner's electromagnetic signature
- Track the electromagnetic signature
- Gain access to the Gotham City Royal Hotel
- Gain access to the security room
- Gain access to the penthouse - East tower
- Gain access to the penthouse - West tower
- Gain access to the penthouse - upper floors
- Gain access to the penthouse - swimming pool
- Defeat Bane
- Meeting with a psychologist - Joker
- Acquire the glue grenade at the workbench
- Scan the corpse in the GCPD morgue
- Locate the tracker placed on Bane
- Return to the Batcave
- Apprehend Firefly at Pioneers Bridge
- Warn Gordon about the bombs
- Locate Firefly's bombs
- Disarm the bomb in the boiler room
- Disarm the bomb in the train station
- Disarm the bomb at the south pillar
- Disarm the bomb at the north pillar
- Defeat Firefly
- Locate Alfred
- Rescue Alfred
- Stop the Joker
- Gain access to Blackgate Prison via the sewers
- Stop the Joker #2 - nexus
- Stop the Joker #2 - cell block B
- Defeat Bane #2
- Stop the Joker #3
Checklist Story equipments
- Remote Claw
- Concussion Detonator
- Disruptor
- Shock Gloves
- Glue Grenade
Blackgate Prison (0%)
Batcave (12%)
*Save Player 209000*
Casefile Report 1 (Main Storyline)
Comms Tower - Cuventry
Comms Tower - Burnley
Comms Tower - Diamond District (Shock Gloves e Disruptor)
Comms Tower - Industrial District
Comms Tower - Amusement Mile (Glue Grenade)
Comms Tower - Park Row
Comms Tower - Bowery (After 7)
Remote Claw (After 19)
Most Wanted: Anarky (After 19)
Casefile Report 3 (Optional)
Casefile Report 2 (Main Storyline)
Concussion Detonator (20)
Most Wanted: The Penguim (After 27)
Most Wanted: Mad Hatter (After 29)
Most Wanted: Shiva (After 32)
Most Wanted: Black Mask (After 38) (1-2-3-4*-5-6)
Casefile Report 6 (Optional)
Casefile Report 7 (Optional)
Casefile Report 4 (Optional)
Most Wanted: Deadshot
Glue Grenade (After 48)
Most Wanted: Black Mask (4*)
Comms Tower - Amusement Mile
Comms Tower - Diamond District
Casefile Report 5 (Optional)
Casefile Report 8
Casefile Report 9
Most Wanted: Bird