Completed the mission without triggering Reflex Mode
Completed the mission without without allowing the Man on Fire to attack even once after meeting up with Ocelot
Base time (m) for each rank:
S - 30
A - 75
B - 90
C - 173
D - 226
E - 339
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 40
Episode 1: Phantom Limbs
Mission Description
Rescue your old partner, Kazuhira Miller. He has been captured by the Soviets and is being interrogated at Ghwandai Town.
Mission Tasks
Pinpointed Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts
Extracted Kazuhira Miller
Extracted the commander from the Wakh Sind Barracks
Completed the mission without being discovered by the Skulls
Secured the rough diamonds hidden in Spugmay Keep
Extracted the transport truck driver
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 23
B - 39.5
C - 98.8
D - 130.6
E - 195.9
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 40
Episode 2: Diamond Dogs
Mission Description
Complete Ocelot's basic training covering the operation of Mother Base.
Mission Tasks
Completed the Fulton extraction training
Extracted staff, raising your R&D Team's level
Developed the cardboard box, and completed basic training
Completed restrain training
Completed strike training
Episode 3: A Hero's Way
Mission Description
Eliminate the Spetsnaz detachment commander secretly involved in the scorched earth operation in Afghanistan. The target and his recon unit have occupied Shago Village and are ready to meet an assault.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the Spetsnaz commander
Neutralized the Spetsnaz commander from long distance (100m or more)
Extracted the Spetsnaz commanderr
Picked a haoma in the desert between Shago Village and Spugmay Keep
Secured the process materials hidden in Shago Village
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 11
B - 12.5
C - 26
D - 37
E - 55.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 39
Episode 4: C2W
Mission Description
Destroy the Soviet comms equipment to prevent reinforcements being sent between outposts.
Mission Tasks
Identified the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
Destroyed the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
Secured the rough diamonds hidden near the Easter Communications Post
Destroyed the transmitter at the Easter Communications Post
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Wialo Village
Extracted the materials container from the Eastern Communications Post
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 8
A - 9.6
B - 12
C - 27.4
D - 38.8
E - 41.53
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 38
Episode 5: Over the Fence
Mission Description
Extract the engineer who tried to defect from a Soviet base camp and is now being held at Wakh Sind Barracks.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the captive engineer
Fulton extracted the engineer through the hole in the facility's basement ceiling
Extracted the prisoner plotting to escape the Wakh Sind Barracks
Extracted the four-wheel drive patrolling between outposts
Secured the blueprint at Wakh Sind Barracks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 16.8
B - 18
C - 33
D - 46
E - 69
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 40
Episode 6: Where Do the Bees Sleep?
Mission Description
Recover the U.S. military's new weapon, code-named Honey Bee, hidden at Smasei Fort. The Soviets are also after it.
Mission Tasks
Secured the Honey Bee
Eliminated the Skulls
Secured the Honey Bee with its ammunition intact
Extracted the prisoner who cannot speak
Extracted the 2 snipers at the Mountain Relay Base
Eliminated the gunship
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 28.7
A - 32.5
B - 37.5
C - 42.25
D - 51.4
E - 77.1
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 36
Episode 7: Red Brass
Mission Description
Three commanders of key Soviet units are holding an emergency meeting at Wialo Village. Use this opportunity the eliminate all of them at once.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the commander of the company stationed at Wialo Village
Eliminated the commander of the platoon stationed at Shago Village
Eliminated the commander of the platoon stationed at Wakh Sind Barracks
Extracted the commander and the soldiers riding in his vehicle (4 total)
Extracted the 3 commanders
Listened to the end of the 3 commanders' conversation
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ghwandai Town
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 16.6
B - 17.5
C - 31.6
D - 44.2
E - 66.3
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 35
Episode 8: Occupation Forces
Mission Description
Eliminate the colonel who has been reassigned from Sakhra Ee Village to Smasei Fort, and prevent the tanks from redeploying to Smasei Fort.
Mission Tasks
Secured the deployment plans
Eliminated the colonel
Eliminated all tanks
Extracted the colonel
Eliminated the colonel and all his tanks before they reached Smasei Fort
Extracted the prisoner being held at Sakhra Ee Village
Extracted all tanks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 13
B - 17.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 34
Episode 9: Backup, Back Down
Mission Description
Rebel guerrillas are launching an offensive. Eliminate as many fighting vehicles as possible in order to weaken the Soviets' reinforcements.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated an armored vehicle
Eliminated multiple fighting vehicles or gunships
Eliminated all armored vehicles without receiving a resupply or fire support
Secured the weapon the transport truck was carrying
Extracted an armored vehicle
Extracted 4 soldiers searching for the escaped prisoner
Extracted 6 prisoners
Extracted 3 tanks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 20
A - 21
B - 23
C - 25
D - 27.5
E - 30
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 32
Episode 10: Angel With Broken Wings
Mission Description
Extract Malak, the Mujahideen prisoner who is being held at Lamar Khaate Palace.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the Mujahideen prisoner called Malak
Extracted the escort vehicle (armored vehicle)
Extracted the 3 prisoners being held at Lamar Khaate Palace
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost
Listened to the last conversation between the transport truck driver and Malak
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 16
B - 22
C - 49.8
D - 67.6
E - 101.4
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 33
Episode 11: Cloaked in Silence
Mission Description
Eliminate the sniper known as Quiet.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated Quiet
Determined what to do with Quiet
Neutralized Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons
Neutralized Quiet with non-firearm attacks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 12.4
B - 13
C - 24.6
D - 35.2
E - 52.8
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 14
Episode 12: Hellbound
Mission Description
Aid in the defection of Dr. Emmerich, a scientist involved with secret Soviet weapons development. He is suspected of having a close connection with the group that attacked Mother Base 9 years ago.
Mission Tasks
Made contact with Dr. Emmerich
Extracted Dr. Emmerich
Extracted 3 Walker Gears from Central Base Camp
Extracted Dr. Emmerich without him taking damage
Secured the Glamor Model (Vertical) poster at Central Base Camp
Secured the blueprint at Central Base Camp
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 22
A - 22.6
B - 23.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 31
Episode 13: Pitch Dark
Mission Description
Crude oil is leaking from an oilfield facility occupied by local forces. To stop the leak, shut down the facility's oil transfer pump, and use explosives to destroy the oily water separator tank.
Mission Tasks
Shut down the oil transfer pump
Destroyed the oily water separator tank
Extracted 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village
Exfiltrated the hot zone before Mfinda Oilfield was sealed off
Extracted the lappet-faced vulture that wander in to the burned-down village
Extracted 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 22.8
B - 33
C - 75
D - 100
E - 150
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 30
Episode 14: Lingua Franca
Mission Description
Tail the Afrikaans interpreter working with the interrogator at Kiziba Camp, and rescue the British prisoner known as the Viscount.
Mission Tasks
Identified the Afrikaans interpreter
Identified the Viscount
Extracted the Viscount
Pinpointed the locations of the 4 prisoners from an intel file
Extracted 3 prisoners being held at Kiziba Camp
Extracted a materials container at Kiziba Camp
Listened to all 4 prisoners' interrogations
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 8
A - 11.2
B - 16
C - 38.6
D - 53.2
E - 79.8
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 29
Episode 15: Footprints of Phantoms
Mission Description
Eliminate all the Walker Gears deployed to Ditadi Abandoned Village
Mission Tasks
Eliminated all Walker Gears
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Extracted all Walker Gears
Picked a digitalis (lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Extracted a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 13.2
B - 15
C - 30.2
D - 42.4
E - 63.6
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 13
Episode 16: Traitors' Caravan
Mission Description
Extract the cargo a PF convoy is believed to be transporting as payment to Cipher. The cargo must be extracted along with the transport truck.
Mission Tasks
Identified escort unit (armored vehicle)
Identified transport truck
Extracted transport truck
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted the transport truck driver
Pinpointed escort unit's estimated route from an intel file
Listened to all conversations between transport truck driver and and outpost/guard post soldiers.
Extracted 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 17
B - 18.5
C - 34.4
D - 47.8
E - 71.7
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 28
Episode 17: Rescue The Intel Agents
Mission Description
Rescue the two Intel Team members being held at Kiziba Camp.
Mission Tasks
Extracted Intel Team member escaping through the forest north of the camp
Extracted Intel Team member being held at Kiziba Camp
Extracted 2 CFA officials
Extracted prisoner being held at Kiziba Camp
Extracted 4 search team reinforcements
Extracted the transport truck driver
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 10.4
B - 11
C - 21.8
D - 31.6
E - 47.4
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 26
Episode 18: Blood Runs Deep
Mission Description
Eliminate the six rebel Mbele soldiers taken prisoner by the ruling Buta tribe, to ensure they cannot talk.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the former rebel Mbele soldier
Eliminated 5 prisoners being held at Kungenga Mine
Extracted child prisoner
Extracted the former rebel Mbele soldier
Completed the mission by extracting 5 child soldiers without the enemy discovering their escape
Eliminated the gunship
Extracted 5 snipers from areas near Kungenga Mine, NE and SW Guard Posts
Extracted 3 armored vehicles
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 15
A - 30
B - 49
C - 125.4
D - 164.8
E - 247.2
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 25
Episode 19: On the Trail
Mission Description
The commander of a PF, known as the Major, has been spreading a rumor about selling nuclear weapons. Tail his subordinate, and eliminate the Major.
Mission Tasks
Identified subordinate of the PF commander, the Major
Identified the PF commander, the Major
Extracted the PF commander, the Major
Extracted the subordinate of the PF commander, the Major
Extracted prisoner being held at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
Listened to the conversation between the PF commander (the Major) and his subordinate
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 10.8
B - 12
C - 24.6
D - 35.2
E - 52.8
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 27
Episode 20: Voices
Mission Description
Rescue Shabani, the leader of the boys who were forced to work at the mine. He was taken to Ngumba Industrial Zone, the place the locals call "the Devil's House."
Mission Tasks
Extracted Shabani
Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack
Fought off the Man on Fire
Pinpointed route to Ngumba Industrial Zone, West Guard Post from an intel file
Extracted an African wild dog near Ngumba Industrial Zone, West Guard Post
Listened to the conversation about the "bodies at Munoko ya Nioka Station"
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 14
A - 15.8
B - 18.5
C - 37.2
D - 51.4
E - 77.1
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 24
Episode 21: The War Economy
Mission Description
Eliminate the CFA official stationed at Nova Braga Airport. He is due to conduct an inspection with a visiting arms dealer, so expect heavy security.
Mission Tasks
Identified the arms dealer
Identified the CFA official
Eliminated the CFA official
Extracted the CFA official
Extracted the arms dealer
Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official
Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying
Extracted the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 13
B - 17.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 23
Episode 22: Retake the Platform
Mission Description
Infiltrate the platform captured by the enemy PF, and eliminate their commander. They have taken Mother Base staff hostage.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the enemy commander
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 0
A - 0
B - 0
C - 0
D - 0
E - 0
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 22
Episode 23: The White Mamba
Mission Description
Eliminate the militants at Masa Village who have been pillaging nearby settlements. They are said to all be children. Extract their commander, the "White Mamba", and the group will fall apart.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the White Mamba
Extracted the prisoner being held at Masa Village
Extracted the White Mamba without giving him the opportunity to resist
Secured the rough diamonds hidden near Masa Village
Extracted 20 child soldiers
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 14
A - 14.4
B - 15
C - 27.4
D - 38.8
E - 58.2
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 21
Episode 24: Close Contact
Mission Description
Rescue the two civilian engineers, one male, one female, being held at Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post. The were sent to the area by a medical NGO, but subsequently went missing.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the male engineer
Extracted the female engineer
Extracted 6 nubians near Ngumba Industrial Zone, SW Guard Post
Extracted 2 four-wheel drives
Extracted 4 materials containers from Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
Picked an African peach near Munoko ya Nioka Station
Extracted a martial eagle near Munoko ya Nioka Station
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 12.2
B - 15.5
C - 34.4
D - 47.8
E - 71.7
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 20
Episode 25: Aim True, Ye Vengeful
Mission Description
A group of child soldiers who have broken away from the Mbele rebels have abducted their XO. Extract both the child soldiers' commander and the XO.
Mission Tasks
Extract the militants' XO
Extracted the child soldiers' commander
Extracted the prisoner who escaped from Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
Extracted 12 child soldiers
Used a vehicle to extracted the child soldiers' commander and the militants' XO simultaneously
Picked a digitalis (purpurea) at Munoko ya Nioka Station, NE Guard Post
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 6
A - 7.2
B - 9
C - 21.8
D - 31.6
E - 47.4
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 19
Episode 26: Hunting Down
Mission Description
Locate and eliminate the human trafficker who is on the run on the savanna. Reports suggest that locating the target will not be easy.
Mission Tasks
Pinpointed the trafficker's escape route from an intel file
Eliminated the trafficker
Eliminated the trafficker before he reached Kiziba Camp
Extracted the trafficker and 5 escort soldiers
Extracted 4 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Extracted a side-striped jackal near Kiziba Camp
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 8
A - 11.4
B - 16.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 18
Episode 27: Root Cause
Mission Description
Rescue the Intel Team member who has obtained information on the epidemic at Mother Base.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the Intel Team member
Extracted the Intel Team member before he could have an accident
Exfiltrated the hot zone with Intel Team member by land
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 8
A - 8.6
B - 9.5
C - 20.4
D - 29.8
E - 44.7
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 17
Episode 28: Code Talker
Mission Description
Make contact with and extract Code Talker, the old man who knows how to treat the pathogen affecting Mother Base. In addition to the local PF guarding the mansion where he is located, an unidentified force has been observed operating in the area.
Mission Tasks
Made contact with Code Talker
Extracted Code Talker
Extracted Code Talker without him taking damage
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted the Skulls
Extracted the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 25
A - 27.5
B - 30
C - 51.5
D - 94
E - 136.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 16
Episode 29: Metallic Archaea
Mission Description
Fight off the Skulls' assault, and return to base with Code Talker. An unusual mist has blanketed the area. The Skulls must be eliminated before it will clear.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted Code Talker
Completed the mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier
Extracted the Skulls
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 9
A - 10
B - 11.5
C - 13
D - 15
E - 30
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 15
Episode 30: Skull Face
Skull Face (right) and Snake (left) facing off.
Mission Description
Skull Face has occupied the secret Soviet weapon design bureau OKB Zero, and advanced his plan to its final phase. Prevent the combat deployment of the upright bipedal weapon Sahelanthropus, and take vengeance on Skull Face.
Mission Tasks
Made contact with Skull Face
Got information from Skull Face
Extracted 4 Walker Gears
Obtained cassette tape at OKB Zero
Extracted 7 red containers from OKB Zero
Extracted 3 tanks from OKB Zero
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 12.4
B - 13
C - 24.6
D - 35.2
E - 52.8
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 14
Episode 31: Sahelanthropus
Mission Description
Prevent the combat deployment of the upright bipedal weapon Sahelanthropus, and take vengeance on Skull Face.
Mission Tasks
Destroyed Sahelanthropus
Destroyed Sahelanthropus's head
Successfully hit the floating boy with an attack
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 12
B - 15
C - 33
D - 46
E - 69
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 14
Episode 32: To Know Too Much
Mission Description
A Soviet soldier who had been collaborating with the CIA has gone missing. Extract this CIA mole.
Mission Tasks
Extracted CIA agent
Extracted CIA agent before his discovery by the search team
Extracted 4 search team soldiers
Extracted driver of transport vehicle
Extracted 2 prisoners being held in Shago Village and Lamar Khaate Palace
Extracted the Soviet soldier planning to assassinate the CIA agent
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 13.2
B - 18
C - 41.4
D - 56.8
E - 85.2
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 13
Episode 33: [Subsistence] C2W
Mission Description
Destroy the Soviet comms equipment to prevent reinforcements being sent between outposts.
[SUBSISTENCE]: The ultimate in solo infiltration. All weapons and items OSP (on-site procurement). Chicken Hat, Reflex Mode, supply drops, buddy deployment, support helicopter attacks, and support strikes unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Identified the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
Destroyed the comms equipment at the Eastern Communications Post
Secured the rough diamonds hidden near the Easter Communications Post
Destroyed the transmitter at the Easter Communications Post
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Wialo Village
Extracted the materials container from the Eastern Communications Post
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 20
A - 25
B - 32.5
C - 68
D - 91
E - 136.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 38
Episode 34: [Extreme] Backup, Back Down
Mission Description
Rebel guerrillas are launching an offensive. Eliminate as many fighting vehicles as possible in order to weaken the Soviets' reinforcements.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated an armored vehicle
Eliminated multiple fighting vehicles or gunships
Eliminated all armored vehicles without receiving a resupply or fire support
Secured the weapon the transport truck was carrying
Extracted an armored vehicle
Extracted 4 soldiers searching for the escaped prisoner
Extracted 6 prisoners
Extracted 3 tanks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 20
A - 21
B - 23
C - 25
D - 27.5
E - 30
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 32
Episode 35: Cursed Legacy
Mission Description
Recover the two containers loaded with Code Talker's research materials. The containers are hidden in the jungle, and XOF choppers are en route to collect them.
Mission Tasks
Extracted 2 containers
Completed the mission by riding a Fulton extracted container out of the hot zone
Completed the mission without the enemy discovering the container extraction
Pinpointed the soldier's location from an intel file
Extracted the commander of the Zero Risk Security force guarding the mansion
Recovered the rough diamonds snatched by the common raven near Lufwa Valley, NW Guard Post
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 11.4
B - 13.5
C - 28.8
D - 40.6
E - 60.9
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 11
Episode 36: [Total Stealth] Footprints Of Phantoms
Mission Description
Eliminate all the Walker Gears deployed to Ditadi Abandoned Village.
[TOTAL STEALTH]: Complete stealth required. Game Over upon detection by enemy. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated all Walker Gears
Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Extracted all Walker Gears
Picked a digitalis (lutea) at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Extracted a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 13.2
B - 15
C - 30.2
D - 42.2
E - 63.6
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 13
Episode 37: [Extreme] Traitors' Caravan
Mission Description
Extract the cargo a PF convoy is believed to be transporting as payment to Cipher. The cargo must be extracted along with the transport truck.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Identified escort unit (armored vehicle)
Identified transport truck
Extracted transport truck
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted the transport truck driver
Pinpointed escort unit's estimated route from an intel file
Listened to all conversations between transport truck driver and and outpost/guard post soldiers.
Extracted 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 17
B - 18.5
C - 34.4
D - 47.8
E - 71.7
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 28
Episode 38: Extraordinary
Mission Description
Using the photograph in an informant's final transmission, retrieve the film canister containing classified information.
Mission Tasks
Secured film canister
Captured Spugmay Keep
Secured film canister before reinforcements arrived
Extracted prisoner being held at Spugmay Keep, East Guard Post
Extracted a griffon vulture near Spugmay Keep
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 6
A - 6.4
B - 7
C - 16.2
D - 24.4
E - 36.6
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 12
Episode 39: [Total Stealth] Over the Fence
Mission Description
Extract the engineer who tried to defect from a Soviet base camp and is now being held at Wakh Sind Barracks.
[TOTAL STEALTH]: Complete stealth required. Game Over upon detection by enemy. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Extracted the captive engineer
Fulton extracted the engineer through the hole in the facility's basement ceiling
Extracted the prisoner plotting to escape the Wakh Sind Barracks
Extracted the four-wheel drive patrolling between outposts
Secured the blueprint at Wakh Sind Barracks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 16.8
B - 18
C - 33
D - 46
E - 69
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 40
Episode 40: [Extreme] Cloaked in Silence
Mission Description
Eliminate the sniper known as Quiet.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated Quiet
Determined what to do with Quiet
Neutralized Quiet without hitting her with lethal weapons
Neutralized Quiet with non-firearm attacks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 14.4
B - 21
C - 49.8
D - 67.6
E - 101.4
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 34
Episode 41: Proxy War Without End
Mission Description
Eliminate the CFA armored column assembling to the north of Nova Braga Airport. The column contains many large-scale fighting vehicle.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the gunship
Eliminated 2 tanks
Eliminated 2 armored vehicles
Extracted 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
Extracted the armored column's commander
Secured the rough diamond hidden by the armored column's commander
Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 16.6
B - 17.5
C - 31.6
D - 44.2
E - 66.3
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 10
Episode 42: [Extreme] Metallic Archaea
Mission Description
Fight off the Skulls' assault, and return to base with Code Talker. An unusual mist has blanketed the area. The Skulls must be eliminated before it will clear.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted Code Talker
Completed the mission without being grabbed by a puppet soldier
Extracted the Skulls
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 14
A - 13.3
B - 14.83
C - 16.3
D - 18.3
E - 33.3
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 15
Episode 43: Shining Lights, Even in Death
Mission Description
Investigate the Laboratory, where a new vocal cord parasite outbreak has occurred, and find out how to identify who is infected. The Laboratory has been sealed off, and contact has been lost with the men inside.
Mission Tasks
Identified the person who sent the transmission
Eliminated the infected
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 12
A - 13.4
B - 15.5
C - 31.6
D - 44.2
E - 66.3
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 9
Episode 44: [Total Stealth] Pitch Dark
Mission Description
Crude oil is leaking from an oilfield facility occupied by local forces. To stop the leak, shut down the facility's oil transfer pump, and use explosives to destroy the oily water separator tank.
[TOTAL STEALTH]: Complete stealth required. Game Over upon detection by enemy. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Shut down the oil transfer pump
Destroyed the oily water separator tank
Extracted 4 child soldiers being trained at Masa Village
Exfiltrated the hot zone before Mfinda Oilfield was sealed off
Extracted the lappet-faced vulture that wandered into the burned-down village
Extracted 4 Walker Gears sealing off Mfinda Oilfield
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 16
A - 22.8
B - 33
C - 75
D - 100
E - 150
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 30
Episode 45: A Quiet Exit
Mission Description
Extract Quiet, who has been captured by the Soviets.
Mission Tasks
Made contact with Quiet
Eliminated the Soviet mechanized unit
Obtained Quiet's cassette tape
Extracted 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles
Completed the mission without Quiet taking damage
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 20
A - 20.2
B - 20.5
C - 34.4
D - 47.8
E - 71.7
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 8
Episode 46: Truth: The Man Who Sold the World
Mission Description
Escape the hospital.
Mission Tasks
Eliminated 6 soldiers at the hospital entrance
Landed 20 or more shots on the Man on Fire
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 28
A - 31.4
B - 36.5
C - 68
D - 91
E - 136.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 40
Episode 47: [Total Stealth] The War Economy
Mission Description
Eliminate the CFA official stationed at Nova Braga Airport. He is due to conduct an inspection with a visiting arms dealer, so expect heavy security.
[TOTAL STEALTH]: Complete stealth required. Game Over upon detection by enemy. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Identified the arms dealer
Identified the CFA official
Eliminated the CFA official
Extracted the CFA official
Extracted the arms dealer
Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the CFA official
Secured the blueprint the gunship was carrying
Extracted the materials container inside the Nova Braga Airport hangar
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 13
B - 17.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 23
Episode 48: [Extreme] Code Talker
Mission Description
Make contact with and extract Code Talker, the old man who knows how to treat the pathogen affecting Mother Base. In addition to the local PF guarding the mansion where he is located, an unidentified force has been observed operating in the area.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Made contact with Code Talker
Extracted Code Talker
Extracted Code Talker without him taking damage
Eliminated the Skulls
Extracted the Skulls
Extracted the armored vehicle sealing off Lufwa Valley
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 25
A - 27.5
B - 30
C - 51.5
D - 94
E - 136.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 16
Episode 49: [Subsistence] Occupation Forces
Mission Description
Eliminate the colonel who has been reassigned from Sakhra Ee Village to Smasei Fort, and prevent the tanks from redeploying to Smasei Fort.
[SUBSISTENCE]: The ultimate in solo infiltration. All weapons and items OSP (on-site procurement). Chicken Hat, Reflex Mode, supply drops, buddy deployment, support helicopter attacks, and support strikes unavailable.
Mission Tasks
Secured the deployment plans
Eliminated the colonel
Eliminated all tanks
Extracted the colonel
Eliminated the colonel and all his tanks before they reached Smasei Fort
Extracted the prisoner being held at Sakhra Ee Village
Extracted all tanks
Base time (m), each rank:
S - 10
A - 13
B - 17.5
C - 40
D - 55
E - 82.5
Max tactical takedown bonuses: 34
Episode 50: [Extreme] Sahelanthropus
Mission Description
Prevent the combat deployment of the upright bipedal weapon Sahelanthropus, and take vengeance on Skull Face.
[EXTREME]: High difficulty level. Chicken Hat and Reflex Mode unavailable.